Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Computer advice? How to reboot a computer with a school login account? PLEASE HELP! URGENT?

I recently was given a computer off free-cycle yahoo website, and it originally belonged to a school, but they gave them away for free because they were getting a whole new suite of computers. The computer i have started up once ok, but the 2nd time I switched it on, it came up with a friarige school login and said, do not attempt to login unless you are an adminastrator. I contacted the lady who gave it to me, but she hasn't replied back in a week. Is there some way I can reboot the system all together and I will have to install everything myself? And get rid of the school system? Please help me because I am only a teenager and haven't got a clue what to do, im at the library at the moment and want to be able to go on my computer at home. PLEASEE HELP ME!!!! Many thanks, sarah xxComputer advice? How to reboot a computer with a school login account? PLEASE HELP! URGENT?
okay, what does the computer run, find out and get a download disk for it, and put it into the computer, then restart the computer and press f12 (or f2 i forget, pressing the wrong one won't hurt, just restart the comp) then go to something like msdos or cd drive ad press run, follow instructions and it should be fine.

before u do this, talk to the maker of the comp to see how to uninstall everything on your comp. hope this helps

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