I am looking to purchase a new computer to aid me in my schooling and everyday computer activities. I am going to an online university so I need something that's fast with plenty of room and memory because everything from reading assignments to actual work will be done on the computer. I also am an advid music downloader and web surfer so it needs to be able to keep up.
Will also be doing a lot of pic uploads and emailing to keep in contact with fam far away. Plus need to be able to burn data from my digi hard-drive camcorder to DVD to watch.
I think that about covers it what I mainly use a computer for. I was looking more into desktops because I really have no need for portability and I'm used to desktops. Any suggestions or recomendations of what to look for or purchase would be extremely helpful!
krazykiki21@yahoo.comNeed computer purchasing advice; main uses online schooling, web, downloads, digi pics uploads, DVD burning?
Get one of the new iMacs, they will do everything you want plus as a student you get a discount at the Apple store. The new iWorks software will save into files that PCs can read. The new iLife software (iDvd, iPhoto, iMovie, iTunes, etc.) will cover everything else you need to do. And you get a small desktop signature, no cables all over the place, it's wifi ready so it can connect to your wireless network. And you get the added advantage of no viruses, malware, or adware.
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